Opening Ceremony of the Festival Rovinj Art & more
At 9 p.m. on Sunday, July 21, on the plateau in front of the church of St. Eufemija, the opening ceremony of the Rovinj Art & More festival was hosted by the art director Ronald Braus.
The Zagreb Soloists, an ensemble celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, performed an anthology piece – Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. A large audience enthusiastically enjoyed the magnificent performance at the picturesque location.
Although the first performance of this year’s festival took place on Thursday, July 11, when Vedran Janjanin played the piano in the large hall of the “Pino Budicin” Community of Italians - Comunità degli Italiani, this was the official opening of the 6th edition of the festival, which lasts until October 5.