Istria among Lonely Planet's top 10 places to visit in Europe in 2019

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Lonely Planet, one of the world's most popular tourist portals and travel guide publishers, for the seventh year in a row compiles Best of Europe reference list featuring ten priority destinations in Europe that should be on the radar of world travellers. Istria entered in the elite society of European destinations and gained a prestigious Best in Europe 2019 award.

The process of selecting the best destinations and travels includes a team of experts and members of the Lonely Planet community, who choose the best of the best in different categories based on set of strict criteria. They shared useful tips with the readers on the current most important 'focal points' on the continent - from destinations that offer new experiences and places to be discovered to the eternal favourites that have something new to offer. Apart from Istria, the list includes: High Tatras, Slovakia; Madrid, Spain; the Arctic Coast Way, Iceland; Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bari, Italy; the Shetland Islands, Scotland; Lyon, France; Liechtenstein and Vevey, Switzerland.