RnB Contemporary

RnB Contemporary Photo gallery

DJ Shurki

He is back! Marko DjShurki Shuran rocked the house along with his buddie Nick De Vie at the Massive #WhiteParty.
Friday August 30 he will rock your world along with Steel Resident DJ Ivan Skrinjaric.
Fusion of RnB, Trap, Hip Hop and whatever makes you move, RnB Supreme, the Royal RnB party with Void Acoustics Extreme SUB BASS system, CO2, HD Screens...
Stay tuned for more info, check out Marko DjShurki Shuran!

Resident DJs at Discotheque Magnus Pazin
Former Resident DJ at Caffe Bar Epolon
Former Resident DJ at Kukuriku Pazin
Former Resident DJ at Zodiak Lanterna
