Rovinj Summer Festival: String Orchestra La Sinfonetta; flute & conductor: Luisa Sello

<b>Rovinj Summer Festival: </b>String Orchestra La Sinfonetta; flute & conductor: Luisa Sello Photo gallery


The XXI edition of the Rovinj Summer Festival was opened with a memorable concert given by 'La Sinfonietta' chamber orchestra from Udine, with a superb flutist and host, Luisa Sello, and her guest, Slovenian flutist, Anita Prelovšek,at the Churc

String Orchestra La Sinfonetta; flute & conductor: Luisa Sello


The XXI edition of the Rovinj Summer Festival was opened with a memorable concert given by 'La Sinfonietta' chamber orchestra from Udine, with a superb flutist and host, Luisa Sello, and her guest, Slovenian flutist, Anita Prelovšek,at the Church of St. Euphemia.
