“Safe Stay in Croatia“ Project

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Croatia is, as many other tourism destinations, currently faced with a multitude of challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In order for the tourists to feel safe and protected, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports has started the project “Safe Stay in Croatia”, the aim of which is to acquaint the guests with all the health and safety protocols for the coronavirus pandemic which are implemented at all levels of the tourism industry, to ensure a comfortable stay in our country for our guests.  

The “Safe Stay in Croatia” label will be awarded to all the interested tourism but also travel stakeholders who will during their business operations guarantee the implementation of health and safety protocols defined in the project. The visibly displayed label “Safe Stay in Croatia” will offer the information to all visitors that tourist facilities that interest them are acting in accordance with the current recommendations of the World Travel & Tourism Council and the Croatian Institute for Public Health. This will make it easier for guests to recognize which destinations, accommodation service providers, transport service providers, tourist attractions, and similar, have adopted the national and world standards of health and hygiene protection. 

The interested tourism stakeholders will send an application to use the label via the webpage www.safestayincroatia.hr, by filling out a special form with all the required information and by accepting the obligation to apply the protocols for a safe stay in Croatia as well as to supervise whether the prescribed protocols are respected. After approving the application, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports will assign a vector format label to the user, for use with marketing tools for the tourist facility, while a physical sticker has to be collected at a Tourist Board office (by presenting the Ministry’s certificate that the application has been accepted).  

More information on the project and the recommended protocols per different categories may be found on the webpage www.safestayincroatia.hr.